Wednesday 25 September 2013

Naruto 648 review

Greetings everyone and welcome to this week's review of Naruto 648, after chaper 647 dealt with encouraging the Alliance I expected a very action-packed chapter this week but we mostly got another story-heavy chapter. Not complaining since those are the easiest ones to talk about.
 Our chapter starts by having the two main protagonists gather their attacks, Naruto takes some chakra from dark Kurama inside his father while Sasuke uses Juugo as a sort of battery to charge his Susanoo with Senjutsu, something I've mentioned he will do a bunch of times.

For some reason people start praising Sasuke for using this Susanoo Sage energy combination, I am not exactly sure why since its Juugo whose doing half the work, also Orochimaru mentions how Sasuke can use Sage energy from Juugo because he is compatible with his cursed seal which makes me wonder if my theory about Juugo powering the entire Alliance even possible.

Seeing people compare Sasuke and Naruto to the first Hokage and Madara reminded me a lot of a picture we saw way earlier in chapter 462.

The good old days when Tobi spoke sense.
Whether or not this new generation will surpass the old one is a tough question but it will be interesting to see how Naruto and Sasuke will act towards each other in the future, especially with people always comparing them to the most famous rivals in history.

We see Hashirama share some memories with the fodder ninja, god knows why he would do that since having them be "inspired" or not so far has done less than nothing in this fight and the memory he picks? lets show the first 5 Kages in history arguing.

It's clear from the start of his rule that Hashirama is clueless and that his brother was the more politically minded, while it's nice to have a good and sweet leader Hashirama's naivety makes him unreliable in my eyes and I'd rather a leader like Tobirama who is serious all the time and doesn't cry tears of joy and bang his head on the table every 2 minutes.

The future second Kages of every village.
The Sand make an interesting request, they don't want a tailed beast but instead demand for some wealthy land and payment from the other countries, one can expect that the Sand are fairly poor due to living in the...well...sand and therefore lack any resources, gold is more useful for them than power.

Of course when the Sand propose that the 4 countries join together and take out Konoha, what does Hashirama do?

Inspiring stuff.
So after a plea from Hashirama that all ninja will have their hearts come together as one we end this really strange flashback and chapter having the 5 Kages arrive on the scene and get ready for what will probably be a rematch with Madara starting next chapter.


Hmm lets see where will this chapter go? 

Firstly I expect a rematch between the 5 kages and Madara, that would be epic and really cool if it happened since it's been a while since we got any sort of rematch between anyone, not sure how likely it will be with Hashirama there since he might just want to handle Madara himself if he can.

Sasuke not reaching his full potential yet is a bit worrisome, where exactly can he go from here? he has the full Susanoo doesn't he? and EMS so I am really curious where his next power up can come from.


Aaah how to rate this chapter I wonder, in truth this chapter is hardly any different than the last one since it mostly dealt with inspiring the Alliance, comparing Naruto and Sasuke to Hashirama and Madara and Obito said some nonsense. The only real progress this chapter are Juugo powering up Sasuke and the 5 Kages arriving which should hopefully speed up this arc a little bit, for now I give chapter 648 a rating of 2.5 out of 5 and say I was not impressed much this week.


Since I read a lot about Naruto during the week from various forums and comments on my reviews I thought I'd start posting the ones that make me laugh or are just generally interesting here.

"Naruto is thinking if he became friends with Sasuke earlier, things might've turned out differently between them. And how these flashbacks manage to motivate the alliance I have no idea...If I were one of the fodder shinobi, would I care about Naruto and Sasuke didn't talk to each other in the playground? in the middle of a war?" -Anonymous comment.


  1. Hashirama just made a clown of himself in that summit. I mean, MORE than Naruto, and that is hard to accomplish. Seriously, I don't know how such a idiot reached that age being such a idiot.

    Well, that's probably because he fights well. But he's stupid, stupid, stupid.
    Just...that. God, now I expect this shinobis to do something. I mean, why this chapter dedicated entirely to motivate them if they aren't going to help Naruto, Sasuke and Juugo?

    1. Thats supposedly the "power to believe" that Hashirama has, if you believe enough your dreams will come true or some crap like that.

      And he's exactly like Naruto, idiots in real life and einsteins in battles which we will see soon.

      Two chapters of motivating those useless sacks of fodder, last week we had Naruto inspiring them with his memories of boyhood love for Sasuke, this time Hashirama shows them the sand Kage asking for land, inspiring.

  2. I usually stay up until the chapter comes out, reflect on it for about 20 minutes, and then pass out. This chapter had me yawning 6 pages in and I passed out shortly after. What a bore! HOPEFULLY next week shit starts happening. Although, one of those 2nd Kage looked a lot like Orochimaru. Perhaps his father? We'll see.

    "Flashback-no-Jutsu!" -Naruto Character
    *rolls eyes* "You've gotta be kidding me, I don't care!" -Reader

    1. I used to do the same, when Tobi first met Sasuke I would stay up till 2 am waiting for the next chapter to find out what happens, now it's much more of a hassle to read Naruto to be honest.

      I think I may have messed up there, the second raikage and second tchukage along with the second kazekage, but oddly enough we don't see the second mizukage since he looks way different than the one we see in the ET.

    2. What I was hoping for in the Naruto Series as a whole was more Summoning Jutsu content/stories. I'm not saying there should be 150 1st generation Naruto pokemon, but a little more reasons why certain blood contracts were made. Idfc if they used anime filler bullshit to explain it lmao. Why does Might Guy have that tortoise? Sasuke and his hawk. Temari and the weasel thing. KAKASHI AND THOSE GODDAMN DOGS! I understand Saru means monkey but what was the story between the 3rd and Enma? Did they fight eachother or did Hiruzen save Enma at one point?

      Also, I REALLY WISH that Naruto would've gone a different direction and learned somesort of Monkey Sage Art under Enma and summoned him instead of toads and frogs. It would've added another dimension to Naruto in my opinion. He learns the Rasengen from Jiraiya(that's fine), but learns the Monkey fighting style under Enma. For all of Jiraiya's toad jutsus he doesn't really teach Naruto any, because Naruto just uses Sage mode and summoning, that's it. I bet that jutsu Jiraiya used against Itachi and Kisame in part one could've been useful to Naruto on so many different occasions lol, but nope. This way Naruto could've taken in knowledge from 3-5 different teachers and a badass Monkey partner through the story, perhaps all their teachings could've melded together. Just another "I wish I was the author" rant, I'm very sorry lol.

    3. Thats an interesting story but actually I see how right now the story is about explosions and who can summon the biggest Pokemon ( like in the Hashirama vs Madara fight) and I find that very uninteresting sometimes.

      And we all have our wishes if we were the author, mind would be to see the ultimate sexy technique but... oh well :(

  3. "Of course when the Sand propose that the 4 countries join together and take out Konoha, what does Hashirama do?"

    What? It wasn't the Sand that proposed that. It was another Kage that said they could easily get rid of the SAND since they were asking for too much.

    1. My bad, good eye on noticing that, I keep confusing the land of fire and the land of wind with each other.

  4. I wouldn't really call hashirama an idiot i think he is just happy go luck more of a mask he wears. He wants peace between them he sees giving the bijuu away will make it easier for the others to agree quickly. He slams his head the secnd time because war is not what he wants and he emphasizes this by doing it again even though his brother gave him into trouble. He will lower himself as much as possible for the safety of the people. His brother makes a good politican and a leader of konoha but hashirama is something different he dosen't have the hate in him that curses the rest of the shinobi world.

    1. Idiot maybe a bit of a strong word but come on the guy smacks his head every time someone mentions anything and yeah maybe this shows how pure he is but real life isn't like that, the moment we show weakness in this world people eat us up and this idealistic fantasy that Kishi shows us using Hashirama is nice and lovely and completely unreal ( not like anything in Naruto is possible but still.... ) which is why I much prefer Tobirama who is ruthlessly realistic and sees the world for how it is.

    2. But isn't that exactly how he should be, he grew up seeing how the world really is, watching his family being killed one by one, learning his best friend is his enemy (which happens far too often in a manga that seems to be about bonds) and this is why he strives so much for peace. Saying that i do find that the legends of harishima and madara were better as legends they don't seem so impressive now.

    3. Peace is a good thing to aim for but he should do it more...strongly not by bowing and scraping at the other Kages, he's the strongest of them all and should behave as such.
